The Retrieval Project will officially launch tomorrow, August 1st. His and hers paintings of the same title will be uploaded and made available for sale. Once the originals have sold, we will make prints available. This process will continue for the next 50 days. There will be some surprises thrown in here and there too. Yesterday I was busy painting and our nine year old son Zeke asked if he could do a painting for the project. I loved the idea and showed him the list of titles. So there will be some days that we will offer more than the standard two paintings per title.
(This is Jenny writing, by the way.) I'm getting excited about this project. It's fun each night when Joe comes home and shows me the paintings he's been working on, and then I show him what I've done. Our styles are so different and we enjoy seeing each other's take on the titles. I was a little intimidated a few days ago, thinking about my artwork next to Joe's. (More on that here.) He's so talented and can draw literally anything you ask him to within minutes and it looks fabulous. I am not so talented in the drawing area. I doodle. But I'm having so much fun getting messy with paint, cutting and tearing paper and pages from a dictionary and old hymnals, using interesting findings in collage. Last night Joe looked at some of the pieces I'd been working on, pointed at one and asked, "is that the edge I cut off from my painting yesterday?" "Yep." (He's doing his paintings on watercolor paper from a spiral bound book and cuts them to size when he's finished. I liked the spiral edge and used it. You'll see that on day 7.)
The key to this project being a success is going to be promoting it. Earlier this week I contacted several friends and bloggers, told them our story and asked if they'd consider featuring our project on their blogs and/or adding our button to their sidebar. I was so blessed by the response. Encouraging words, hoping for the best for us and this project, and willingness to help. (Thank you SO much to all who are supporting us in this way!)
If anyone is reading this and would consider doing the same (a feature and/or adding our button, you can save this picture and resize it if you need a different size square. If you prefer a different shape/size, please email me.
Anyone out there know how to add a box in our sidebar with code for people to copy? That would be so great!
HUGE thanks to Steve, who made a button for us! Now you can just click on it to add it to your blogger page. Apparently it will work even if you don't use blogger... just click to find out what to do. Ask and you shall receive! Thanks Steve!
Thanks so much to all who have offered kind words, mentioned us on facebook, twitter, blogs, word of mouth, etc. We are overwhelmed by the love and support we are receiving.
Best of luck for your project
ReplyDeletewhy am i just finding out about this NOW???? i'm so far behind in your life :( i love you tho! and love the idea of you coming to get your stuff...even if that does mean your taking it home. love ya guys!
ReplyDeleteI've got a giveaway on my blog for a button...couldnt hurt to enter. (a button: a box in the sidebar with code for people to copy. LOL)
ReplyDeleteJust posted the story on my blog after reading about it on http://ohhellofriend.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteWe've been in a similar boat only we went from Shawnee,Oklahoma to Seattle, WA and had to leave before the year was up. Your approach to solving this problem is such a beautiful one. I'm hopeful with you that you'll be able to go get those belongings soon enough!
Also looking forward to hearing your paintings are selling out!
I've put together a quick widget for you. It won't let me paste it as a comment, so just go to this HTML pastie to get the code. You should just be able to copy and paste the entire HTML code into your Blogger sidebar so that other users can then install the widget on their blog. I hope this helps you guys out!
ReplyDeleteGood luck,