Tuesday, August 4, 2009


(jenny here)  We want to genuinely thank everyone who is supporting us in this project!  We are so amazed by the positive response we've gotten and feeling so encouraged.  Huge thanks to all who have purchased our original paintings, prints and other things. (And to those who have promoted The Retrieveal Project for us.)  This week my etsy sales in my personal shop have been better than ever, and so far 5 of our original paintings have sold!

We're mid-way into our first week, so there are some things we're realizing that we wanted to make you aware of.  (That's the housekeeping... not much actual housecleaning happening around here lately.  This project has been keeping me busy!.... and I'm not complaining!)

First, you may have noticed the "chip-in" widget in the right side bar.  This only works for donations sent directly through chip-in.  Unfortunately we are unable to link it to reflect the sales we've had through etsy.  If anyone knows of another way to do this, or another widget that would show the progression as we go along, we'd love to know about it.  (email jenny at jennyswanson707(at)gmail.com.)  

As each original painting sells, I try to update the blog as soon as possible.  At that time, I also make a print of the original available in our individual etsy shops, with links.  The links for the paintings and prints currently for sale will be green (green means go!).  Also, when a print sells, I will re-list it asap, so that we can make multiple prints from each original.  Just realize that as much as I try to stay on top of it, I'm also working in the mornings, enjoying the last few weeks of summer with the kids, painting like crazy and taking occasional naps... so if a print you want is not currently listed, please know that I'll get it up as soon as I can.  Feel free to send me an email too... it's possible that I may overlook something or forget to re-list.

I have put a widget in the left hand sidebar for our Retrieval Project etsy shop.  This way you can always see which originals are still available.  (At the time of writing, there are currently three still for sale.  This is day four, so there have been eight total... meaning so far we have sold five of our originals!)  For those interested, that's how you can find out how the project is going.

One last thing... we received our packaging materials and have started getting the orders from this week ready to ship.  We've decided to do our shipping one day a week, on Wednesdays.

Thanks again so much!  We look forward to sharing more of our artwork with you!

1 comment:

  1. That is so awesome that you've sold 5 originals already! Congrats!

    I just made a blog button, didn't know if you were still adding supporters buttons or not. It won't let me post the code, but it's on my blog.

    Thanks! Much love and hugs to you both!


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